portrait of Hugh Nankivell

I have written several books and chapters and articles and released music on cassette, cd and vinyl. Here is a selection.


Community Music – A Handbook – ed by Pete Moser and George McKay

Publ – Russell House Publishing 2005

Chapter – ‘Making New Music: Approaches To Group Composition’

Rhythms of Relating in Children’s Therapies – ed by Stuart Daniel and Colwyn Trevarthen

Publ – Jessical Kingsley Publishers 2017

Chapter – ‘Noise Time and Listening’- with Sarah Butler

What Do You Call That Noise – ed by Mark Fisher

Publ – www.XTClmelight.com 2019

Chapter ‘Tunes of Good’ – an interview with, and analysis of, musician Dave Gregory and interviews with Cormac Thomas.


Plus several self-published song books including: 

Whaletone Opera – With Makoto Nomura – Ezuko Hall – 2007

A score in English and Japanese with CD’s of our creative community collaboration ‘Whaletone Opera’.

I Am Oliver – I Live With Numbers – 2015

A fictional biography of Oliver Heaviside told mathematically 

The Choral Engineers – A Few Things We Have Learned – 2019

A song-book with illustrations by Dean Brodrick.

An Empty Space – Songs About Grieving’– Libraries Unlimited 2022

A song-book with illustrations by Nat Palin.


Commercially available

Fowl – Many recordings from 2020 onwards including

Humankindweed – download or vinyl – 2021

(With Graham Browning)


Natural Causes – Many recordings from 2007 onwards including

Spoons – download or CD – 2018

(With Pat Allison, Ben McCabe and Chris Dowding)


I have also recorded many albums on cassette and CD and have copies available – including:

East Whistle – Locust In The Beehive – 1994

(with Joe Townsend, Melissa Holding and Adrian Freedman)

Nankivell’s Optet – Bird Leaf Pear Book – 2003

(with Graham Browning, Michael Massey, Jim Powell and James Squire)

Trio Of MenThe Heaviside Condition – 2016

(With Ben Ballard, Steve Sowden, Dean Brodrick and The Choral Engineers)

Fowl album cover

If you would like a copy of any of these self-published books, CD’s or vinyl then please get in touch and I can probably arrange for them to be posted to you.